The Resonance Company is equal parts creative design house, heart-centered business and esoteric research lab. We serve self-initiating individuals, families, businesses and communities who possess the burning desire to consciously catapult into an existence that’s utterly aligned with their grandest visions, dreams, desires, goals and values.

Our people are those who stand on the threshold of a new way and are sick and tired of being sick and tired. Those who no longer wish to live out someone else’s story, but instead are willing to courageously  take responsibility for their own creative gifts and strategically unleash them into the material realm. 

Fundamentally, we are here to do three things:   1) help people and groups get super clear about themselves, their values and their dreams through the use of proven systems and by asking BIG questions (“do I know who I am?”, “do I like who I am?”, “am I willing to take responsibility for my authentic self?”, “to surrender and to live my dreams to the fullest extent?” what are my values?”, etc.)  2) process, synthesize and distill the gathered data into an insightful, design-friendly tangible self-illuminating strategy manual that can act as an ongoing reminder of who you want to be, where you want to go, why you want to what you need to do to, and most importantly, NOT DO, to get there… finally,  3)  The Resonance Company will help you create beautiful, powerful, valuable, useful design tools that are deeply aligned with your vibe and values (we can provide personal and business brand identities, merch design, web design, custom video content, email marketing flows, etc., merch design.)

Through mutual collaboration, we can help you to indoctrinate yourself with your own resonant belief system. In consciously, intentionally and responsibly re-aligning  your beliefs, actions and strategy; you’ll begin to build and attract your destiny, and in doing so… you’ll share your creative gifts with a world that is in desperate need of them.

What We Do

We’ll help crystallize your higher purpose, values and ideals into a unified, strategic framework that will dwell publicly and privately in your physical and digital reality. The unification and creatively designed externalization of your inner self within your home, business and digital workspaces will serve as an empowering form of conscious self-indoctrination. Psychologically-speaking, we’ll build a moat around your consciousness, goals, vision, dreams, ideals and destiny that is totally aligned, on-brand, resonant and bullet-proof. The constant barage of disempowering noise, mis-aligned conditioning and energy vampirism will start to dissipate when our outer world starts to align with our inner world, when we  take time to shed our dead weight and all that doesn’t serve us. The time is upon us to live in resonance with our highest selves. What say you? Are you ready to collaborate?

Our Work

